In the 1960s, four young men who later became critical
actors in Uganda's politics were bundled out of UPC Headquarters. They were
Kintu Musoke, Kirunda Kivejinja, Bidandi Ssali and Dani Nabudere. They were
radical UPC youth wingers. Dan Nabudere became a key political actor during the
Transition from Idi Amin rule. Kintu
Musoke, Kirunda Kivejinja and Bidandi Ssali became key political actors in the
reign of National Resistance Movement- Tibuhaburwa Museveni. Although Kintu
Musoke and Bidandi Ssali dropped out along the way. Kirunda Kivejinja stayed in
the system until his death in 2020.
During the NRM Primaries in 2020/2021 two candidates
in one constituency of Busoga physically fought. One of them was badly hurt. I
have forgotten their names.
And now we have been treated to some drama in Forum
for Democratic Change (FDC).
Politician are all the same: they think about their
narrow personal political gains, which usually centre around resources and
influence. If their narrow interests clash they may quarrel loudly or even
fight with their muscles and their mouths.
In Africa where our rulers tend to concentrate on
power retention and primitive accumulation rather than on improving quality of
life of the people, or on the development, transformation and progress of the
countries, causing conflicts in opposition parties is not abnormal. They
frequently use money to confuse political actors in the opposition parties, or
to buy some actors out of their parties. It is in the interest of those rulers
that the leaders of those parties are cast as weak and greedy with no clear
ideologies or strategies to govern. Frequently the rulers may plant spies and
trouble shooters in the opposition parties to cast the parties nothing more
than sinks of good for nothing people.
Ugandan politicians, whether in the opposition or in
the ruling party tend to be narrow minded in the sense that they don't think
beyond their narrow interests of power, glory, wealth, and domination. They tend to agree to ignore the interests of
the people. In public they may show they are antagonistic, but behind the
scenes they may connive to serve each other's interests at the expense of the
greater public interest.
One problem we have in Uganda is that we have become
far more politically illiterate and politically underdeveloped than we were in
the 1960s. Those days students were more politically literate than they are
today. You ask Prof. Wangoola Wangoola or Dr Ruhakana Rugunda who were my
elders at Busoga College Mwiri.
So long as we limit political literacy and political development of of our youthful population to feed our narrow interests, politicians of the future will be more combative, not by brain but by muscle. The victims will be the poor and needy who will have no leaders but oppressors and exploiters, and will be treated to fights among the selfish political elite in both the ruling party and the opposition parties. It won't matter which party is the ruling party and which parties are in the opposition.
For God and My Country
Prof Oweyegha-Afunaduula