Sironko District
Engineer, Andrew Wasukila, is under investigation following allegations of
mismanaging funds through ghost projects that were neither implemented nor
accounted for.
allegations emerged after it was discovered that all road projects in Sironko
District, which were budgeted for construction and rehabilitation in the past
financial years, have remained untouched, despite the government disbursing UGX
1 billion for the intended works.
Nandala Mafabi, the Budadiri West Member of Parliament, who led district
officials on a field visit to assess the situation on Wednesday and Thursday,
expressed his dissatisfaction with the handling of the funds.
revealed that only two roads have been completed in the constituency since the
2021-2024 financial years, with the rest remaining in disrepair. In Bukhulo
Sub-county, he pointed out that no district roads have been worked on despite
funds being allocated.
highlighted specific releases of UGX 3 million in the 2021-2022 third and
fourth quarters, UGX 3 million in the 2022-2023 second, third, and fourth
quarters, and UGX 2 million in 2023-2024.
added that district leaders are collaborating with the RDC, DPC, and DISO to
hold accountable those responsible for the mismanagement.